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Rubber Damper Device
As reported by JKR (JabatanKerja Raya), there are many damages in bearing joints of bridges in Malaysia which is due to excessive vibration during heavy traffic at the pick time. 
In order to address this issue, many investigates are conducted by this researcher in Universiti Putra Malaysia since 2013 to use of natural rubber to develop innovative Rubber Damper Device applicable in bridges and buildings in order to increase overall damping by dissipating part of energy of the dynamic load or vibration due to for example, earthquakes, wind or any source of vibrations.
The Rubber Wall Damper device is consists of high damping rubber sandwiched between steel plates and device is installed inside of frame by bolting to the floor and top beam. Therefore, during the structural movement, the interstory vibration is transmitted from the floor to the rubber wall damper and then to the top floor and the vibration energy is damped via deformations of the rubber. After fabricating the prototype and conducting experimental test using dynamic actuator, it is proven that 50% to 70% of vibration effects in the structures could be reduced by using Rubber Wall Damper.
This device can be implemented in any structure subjected to vibration and can be utilized on both new design of earthquake resistance buildings or seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings. It is also economical as it is made from inexpensive local raw materials such as rubber and the developed product would cost almost one third of the price of alternative products with the same performance available in the current market.
The wall damper is made by steel plates which high damping rubber is used inside of panel to dissipate vibration during movement of frame. Therefore, when the structure move, there is displacement between upper and down floor which this displacement is transfer to the rubber which positioned inside of wall panel and rubber act in shear to dissipate the vibration and reduce effect of vibration on buildings. This device is applicable for any seismic intensity and able to act in catastrophic earthquake excitation. 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Farzad Hejazi
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering


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